
Required Settings

The following settings are required.

Configure thumbnailing applications

To improve the user experience and performance of django-newsletter, a thumbnailing application is used to automatically thumbnail article images in newsletter messages.

Currently two applications are supported by default: easy-thumbnails and sorl-thumbnail.

First you will need to install the thumbnailing application (as per the applications instructions). Afterwards the thumbnailing application can be selected as follows:

# Using sorl-thumbnail
NEWSLETTER_THUMBNAIL = 'sorl-thumbnail'

# Using easy-thumbnails
NEWSLETTER_THUMBNAIL = 'easy-thumbnails'

This configures django-newletter to use these applications for relevant model fields, admin fields, and template thumbnails.

Optional Settings

The following optional features may be configured.

Disabling email confirmation

Disable email confirmation for subscribe, unsubscribe and update actions for subscriptions.

By default subscribe, unsubscribe and update requests made by a user who is not logged in need to be confirmed by clicking on an activation link in an email. If you want all requested actions to be performed without email confirmation, add following line to


For more granular control the NEWSLETTER_CONFIRM_EMAIL setting can be overridden for each of subscribe, unsubscribe and update actions, by adding NEWSLETTER_CONFIRM_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBE and/or NEWSLETTER_CONFIRM_EMAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE and/or NEWSLETTER_CONFIRM_EMAIL_UPDATE set to True or False.

Configure rich text widget

Known to work are django-imperavi as well as for django-tinymce. Be sure to follow installation instructions for respective widgets. After installation, the widgets can be selected as follows:

# Using django-imperavi
NEWSLETTER_RICHTEXT_WIDGET = "imperavi.widget.ImperaviWidget"

# Using django-tinymce

If not set, django-newsletter will fall back to Django’s default TextField widget.


django-tinymce 3 and higher do not support Python 3.5.

Configure thumbnailing applications

To improve the user experience and performance of django-newsletter, you may use various thumbnailing applications to automatically thumbnail article images in newsletter messages.

Currently two applications are supported by default: easy-thumbnails and sorl-thumbnail.

First you will need to install the thumbnailing application (as per the applications instructions). Afterwards the thumbnailing application can be selected as follows:

# Using sorl-thumbnail
NEWSLETTER_THUMBNAIL = 'sorl-thumbnail'

# Using easy-thumbnails
NEWSLETTER_THUMBNAIL = 'easy-thumbnails'

This configures django-newletter to use these applications for relevant model fields, admin fields, and template thumbnails.

If not set, django-newsletter will fall back to Django’s default ImageField and implement rudimentary thumbnailing with Pillow.

Delay and batch size

The delay between each email, batches en batch size can be specified with e.g.:

# Amount of seconds to wait between each email. Here 100ms is used.

# Amount of seconds to wait between each batch. Here one minute is used.

# Number of emails in one batch

For both delays, sub-second delays can also be used. If the delays are not set, it will default to not sleeping.